Sunday, September 11, 2005

"Contemplate what the floods of New Orleans have washed up into our own American living rooms: a gasping President Bush who cannot explain how, four years and tens of billions of dollars after 9/11, his Homeland Security apparatus couldn’t manage its first real challenge; a top federal-disaster official whose previous post was director of an elite horse-breeding association and who has been revealed to have no skills other than acute political sycophancy; an American infrastructure hollowed out and impotent from decades of bipartisan erosion and underfunding; several hundred thousand previously invisible, mostly black, very poor people of the sort we have become accustomed to not thinking about very much; and to top it off, a presidential Mother Bush who has done the best Marie Antoinette impression since the sacking of Versailles (saying of the homeless refugees in the Astrodome that they “were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them”)."

The rest is here.


I can't recall how I stumbled onto your blog site, but it certainly strikes a chord with me (and yes, I am slowly going bald...but it's not like I didn't expect it (my dad, you know, and five other brothers, of whom I was the last with any on top @ age 50, but nevermind)
Yoour musings and other posts are "spot on" as the Brits keep on keeping on....

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:58 PM, October 16, 2005  

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