Saturday, January 28, 2006

An Open Letter To Jeff Zucker, CEO, NBC Universal Television Group

Dear Mr. Zucker,

First, congrats on "The Office" and "My Name Is Earl." Even if you had to rip off a great show to get a hit, still, it's nice to see you putting your weight behind single-camera shows with no laugh tracks and unique senses of humor. Granted, going from first to fourth place after losing your cash cow probably opened you up to new possibilities, and I respect that.

Also, I'm happy to see that you offered Aaron Sorkin a hefty payment for his spec pilot, formerly titled "Studio 7 on the Sunset Strip." Sorkin's "Sports Night" was amazing but underviewed, and the first four years of "The West Wing," with Sorkin and director Thomas Schlamme at the helm, were the best of the series. Some moments in the show's second season are the best in TV. So I'm glad you bought "Studio 7," and that you've cast Matthew Perry for the new show. He was great but inderused in his guest spost on "The West Wing" a couple years ago.

But here's the thing: You need Josh Charles.

"Sports Night" was the distillation of Aaron Sorkin's philosophical and emotional worldview, and the sometimes clunky beginning to his comedy. Most of the plot lines were grafted onto "The West Wing" when "Sports Night" was canceled after its second season: Sam Seaborn's (Rob Lowe) parents got divorced for the same reasons Jeremy Goodwin's (Joshua Malina) did, etc. And White House Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman (Bradley Whitford) was an almost direct transfer from Sports Night co-anchor Dan Rydell (Charles). Both Dan and Josh faced possible suspension/firing early in their respective series ("West Wing" pilot, "Sports Night" episode 1.2), they were both Jewish men from New England with dead siblings; etc., etc. But Dan Rydell was the heart and soul of the cast of characters, acting as both moral compass and sense of humor.

Having Charles on the new Sorkin show would just be right, you know? Plus, it's not like the guy's actually all that busy; aside from some small roles in recent films, he might just be hanging out at home, living off Dead Poets royalties. Hire the guy.

Well, that's pretty much all I had. Just stand back and let Sorkin do his work. And this time, if he gets into the blow again, just let it go. Your network needs him.


Daniel Carlson

P.S. All your other shows suck. Except for "Scrubs." That's good. But everything else: bad.


You know how some guys can rattle of stats for any random game or series you could name, like the 1999 ALCS? Well, I'm like that, only with art and media and other things that provide an actual emotional payoff. Some people like games that need to be annually replayed and hold no long-term value; I like movies. Different strokes, I guess.

By Blogger Dan Carlson, at 8:55 AM, January 29, 2006  

Sports provide me with an emotional payoff (though with less sadness, but more dispair and hopelessness).

That's all I had, I just wanted to throw in my penny.

By Blogger Master Baron Von Tuckenstein the First Esquire, at 3:41 PM, January 31, 2006  

Melanie!! This is Holly from school...please contact me on the alumni website!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:35 PM, June 29, 2006  

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