Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Please Don't Talk To Me Right Now. Not Here.

I have the good fortune to work with some fairly laid-back people, and though some of them can come unglued pretty quickly in stressful situations, for the most part it's smooth sailing. Unfortunately, this attitude of general pleasantness carries over with some of the men whenever they go the bathroom, which is down the hall. I, it should be pointed out, don't like to talk that much, or at all, when I'm in the bathroom, even when I'm washing my hands, but especially, especially, when I'm actually emptying my bladder. (I haven't yet had the misfortune of someone trying to talk to me while we're sitting in adjacent stalls, since this is an office and not a dorm bathroom, but I'm not ruling the sick possibility out just yet.)

As I walked into the bathroom one day I knew I was being closely followed, and as I sidled up to the stall, sure enough, my boss took the urinal next to me. Then he starts going, and he starts talking to me, as well, and all I can think about is (1) how much I don't like making small talk while my pants are unzipped, (2) how I really have a hard time going around other people, especially when they're trying to engage me in conversation, (3) how now I'm not going, since I'm gun-shy and trying to talk and having a difficult time squeezing out drop one, (4) now that I can't go, I wonder if my boss can tell I'm not going, and if he's wondering why I can't go, so now maybe he's just continuing our meager conversation on a superficial level while most of his thoughts are actively trained on just why I seem to be standing in front of a urinal doing exactly nothing, (5) what does it say about me that I allow myself to function daily with this level of neurosis, (6) [fill in the blank with some general doubt about my personality].

But he finished, and I managed to go, and that was that. I even managed to act like talking in the bathroom was something I enjoyed, or at least felt comfortable with. But as I washed my hands at the sink farthest from my boss, I realized that next time I had to go, I'd check the crowd first. The men's room one floor down is almost always empty.


I'm the same way. And if I'm headed to the restroom and someone walks in before me, I walk past, go check my mail, and walk around a bit before I brave it again.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:38 AM, February 02, 2006  

You could never handle being a girl. I'm not saying I like it, I'm just saying... we never shutup and the bathroom is no exception.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:22 AM, February 02, 2006  

I suppose the reasons are myriad why I couldn't handle being a girl, not the least of which would be wearing shoes that make my feet bleed so I can impress other girls. Not to mention being shorter.

But yes, the relentless bathroom chatter would also be a downside.

By Blogger Dan Carlson, at 12:52 PM, February 02, 2006  

I'm not sure that bathroom chatter has anything to do with being a girl. I've been a girl my whole life, and I don't particularly enjoy talking in the bathroom. I, instead, am always worrying that people will hear me pee. Seriously, if I'm visiting someone's house and their bathroom is close to the living room where everyone's hanging out, it makes me deeply nervous because they might HEAR ME. I can't imagine what would happen if I was a guy and people were constantly WATCHING me.

By Blogger A. Lo, at 1:11 PM, February 02, 2006  

I believe stage-fright is every guy's fear of being shaken from behind harking back to Jr. High when jackasses would get a kick out of seeing you piss yourself. Even those jackasses are afraid of it because they know it happens. Dudes who can pee freely in a crowded room were homeschooled.

By Blogger Kyle, at 10:02 PM, February 02, 2006  

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