Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Conversation Between The Five Women At My Lunch Table As I Sat Idly By, 4.12.05

"How was the wedding you went to?"
"I love weddings! I was in a friend's wedding a few months ago and she had the worst bridesmaid dresses."
"I had to wear an ugly dress at my friend's, too, with these awful shoes."
"My shoes are killing me today. My feet hurt because I went running yesterday."
"I've been meaning to start running again, but I've been so busy with work."
"I ran track in high school. I had a lot of fun."
"I did, too. I was also in the theater department."
"Does anyone know of a good community theater around here?"
"There's one off the highway next to the old book shop."
"I love that old book shop. It reminds me of one near my house growing up."
"I grew up pretty close to my school, which was good because I could walk and not take the bus."
"I took the bus to the museum the other day."
"Did you get a chance to see that human body exhibit? That was amazing."
"No, but I did see this new batch of impressionist paintings they got in."
"I've always liked paintings. When I was a kid I liked to paint by number."
"One time I was painting and I got paint in my hair."
"I just got my hair done last week."
"And it looks great...."

And so on, and so on, ad inf. and ad inf. and oh my sweet holy goodness some more ad inf., until I was forced to pass the time by seeing how far up my nose I could shove my Dr Pepper bottle (3/4 of an inch, then blood).


It hurts to listen to doesn't it? I grew up with 2 sisters and they amazed me with how they could discuss nothing for hours on end. Kind of scary.

By Blogger Azathoth100, at 7:28 PM, April 13, 2005  

I grew up with three sisters. So like 50% worse than that. I will accept condolences later (except they are decent people. I wish I could just have sibling rivalry. This comraderie is killing me).

And now I have a girlfriend so it is like having freaking 4 sisters. Sometimes homosexuality... nope still looks crappy (ha, get it...)... I am a bastard.

On second thought, girfriends are good (hope she doesn't read this). I like girlfriends.

By Blogger Master Baron Von Tuckenstein the First Esquire, at 5:15 AM, April 14, 2005  

Yeah, I know it could have been a lot worse, and sometimes in my life it has been. I've always been fascinated how a group of men with one woman present, at least when I'm in the group, is reluctant to speak too graphically about stereotypical male topics, e.g., like how hot the waitress is, what they would do with said waitress, and the size of their apparatuses, whereas a group of women with only one man around will have no trouble launching into a fairly visceral description of who's cramping, how bad, etc.

By Blogger Dan Carlson, at 10:10 AM, April 14, 2005  

I guess the exception to that was when 4 guys plus Liz were driving to Ruidoso in my car playing "Would you rather..." I think we scarred her for life. Sorry, Liz!

By Blogger Cody, at 8:05 AM, April 15, 2005  

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