Tuesday, October 19, 2004

O Lost

We're so close to the finish line now. Only two weeks remain until the presidential election. Out here in California, things are decidedly blue: the coasts tend to prefer their church and state separated a little more than, say, Odessa, Texas. George W. Bush, a dumbass cowboy who can't pronounce "nuclear," is statistically tied in the polls with John Kerry, who appears made of wood and reminds me of so many older men at school or church that me and mine ignored.

A torch song: Is that all there is? The millions and millions of pepole living in the U.S., and these are the two guys who made it through the primaries? We're choosing between the lesser of two whatevers, somebody said once. Don't I know it.

Where's my generation's guy? Where is my leader of vision, seeker of opportunity, man of foresight and power? Say what you will about Kennedy's programs or womanizing, he was still somebody the younger set could get behind. But I don't want him; I want my own guy.

I want someone I can point to and say, "I'm voting for him because it is the right thing--not the Christian, not the popular, not the party--but the right thing to do." I want a leader, someone who will call for 100,000 airplanes or declare our intentions for the moon. I want fire, longing, passion and strength. I want someone who accepts his imperfect life and tries to make ours better. I want a leader.

I'm voting for John Kerry. My faith causes me to care for widows, orphans, and others who could use the government's help. I believe that everybody should give up some of what they have for the common good. I'm tired of tuning in to the State of the Union and seeing an older version of that fifth-year senior who can't quite get his stuff together and only wants to tell you about this bitchin' kegger in the works at his frat's house. I know that guy, I've seen that guy, walking his dog at intramural football games and hitting on sophomores. Bluto really did go all the way.

But, deep down, Kerry's not my guy. He's just what's next. He's got a few ideas, and I like him better than Bush. But I'd trade them both away in a heartbeat for someone who inspired me. If he ever shows up.

So close to the finish line, but never finished.


Man, you were gone so long, I thought you grew unopinionated. Glad you are back.

Isn't the Christian thing the right thing?

Also I think the candidates are a product of our system. If we had a different system, we would have different candidates. Let's get Nadar out in the debates. Let's make it a more open forum for people to run, and create a third party very concerned for the welfare of survivors of Reality TV shows. Or if the youth just voted a bit more, I bet we would see a candidate pander (Kerry) to whatever we said we wanted him to do. Some random thoughts on my way to dinner.

This has been titled, "Sorry it is so long, but I am in El Paso."

By Blogger Master Baron Von Tuckenstein the First Esquire, at 7:00 PM, October 20, 2004  

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