Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Living With An Objectivist: Lessons In Patience And Depression

One of my roommates is an Objectivist. The philosophy, set forth by Ayn Rand, states that man's highest goal is rational self-interest; sacrificing yourself for someone else or letting them sacrifice their selves for you is horribly wrong. Possessions go to those who have worked for them, who deserve them. By this reasoning Robin Hood was doubly evil because he (1) stole from the rich who had earned their wealth and (2) redistributed it to the poor who had not.

Why, yes, my roommate is a registered Republican. Why do you ask?

But here's the rub: my roommate is also a Christian. Granted, a kind of snooty one with a penchant for wine and sushi, but a self-professed Christian nonetheless. He claims to be a member of a denomination based on service to the poor, charity for the needy and a desire to unite all classes.

However, from the way he usually speaks and acts, I'd guess my roommate has a fundamental problem with the last being made first and the first being made last. How can he subscribe to a philosophy that encourages accumulation of material wealth and a religion that encourages you to give it all away? How can he sing these hymns on Sunday and on Monday express disdain for giving out money to a homeless beggar?

If anybody knows how I can get this little pissant to stop living such a gleefully hypocritical life, I'm open to suggestions. And don't say, "Set his bedroom on fire," because that didn't work.


How about just asking him if he thinks he is being hypocritical and explain your thinking(in a really innocent, non-thretening way). Then you can walk away and watch as he slowly self destructs because logic has eaten away at his world view and religious guilt tears him apart from the inside.

Or he will realize that he isn't really a Christian, and that he just likes the idea of a benevolent God because he feels better when he occassionally aknowledges those little voices in his head.

Man, I hate those days.

PS what denomination is based on service to the poor?

By Blogger Master Baron Von Tuckenstein the First Esquire, at 7:22 AM, November 12, 2004  

Send him out to visit me–I'm living in a house with 4 other women and devoting a year of my life to serving the poor (something that either doesn't sound like much fun or sounds snooty when I type it out like that). I perform footcare for homeless men twice a week, which is not the way I expected my life to turn out as I pursued that IMC degree at ACU. But there is great joy and great wisdom in homeless men, I have learned, and they can be pretty funny even when they're drunk. And if he wants to get my monthly newsletter, I'd be glad to send it to him.

By Blogger A. Lo, at 11:55 AM, November 22, 2004  

Who are you, A. Lo?

By Blogger Dan Carlson, at 11:06 AM, November 24, 2004  

Lol, sorry. Abby Lowe. Guess I got the address to your blog from Mel's profile a long time ago, and it's pretty well written, so I keep coming back. I'm in Oakland now doing inner-city mission work with a program called Mission Year. My blog's located at youtypedbutt.blogspot.com if you wanna check it out.

By Blogger A. Lo, at 8:45 PM, November 27, 2004  

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