Thursday, April 14, 2005

Notes I Took At My Sub-Department Meeting, 4.14.05

I would never actually hit my boss, because you don't hit women. But I'd trip her.

Jive, jibe, and gibe are three different words. Unbelievable how hard this is for some.

She tells us we need to do our best to cut pages from our department's procedures manual, then a few minutes later argues for keeping its length despite the redundancy of some of the information. This is typical management: she wants things done her way, not necessarily the most efficient way.

I'm trying to use some combination of telekinesis and the Force to cause one of the books to fly off its shelf and smack someone, anyone, in the head. No success so far, but I've only been at it a few months.

Maybe I wouldn't actually trip her. But I'd think about it. A lot.

I'm also trying to see if I can make my head explode just by thinking about it. Again, no success (obviously), but I'm willing to keep trying.

I could be making more money working construction, plus learning how to swear more in Spanish. Some days this is pretty tempting.

Why are legal pads yellow?


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