Thursday, June 23, 2005

Notes From The Fun Committee Meeting, 6.23.05

Yes, you read that right. A committee designed for fun.

Maureen suggests dressing up and having a Renaissance-themed day. I'm not surprised, because I've seen her wear a dress before that looks like she wears it to Renaissance fairs on the weekends. So I'm not shocked by her suggestion, just really, really sad.

It's "for all intents and purposes," not "for all intensive purposes." And while we're at it, jive, jibe and gibe are three different words.

Friday is apparently Bring Your Pets To Work Day. Rather than reflect on the inherently lonely nature of the idea, CFD launches into stories about her cats. She's only in her 20s, and already she's the weird cat lady whose house you don't walk by at night.

Another suggestion for a "fun" day at the office: dressing up like different decades (e.g., the '80s). When asked how I and the other men would respond to the idea, I reply that I'd probably wear normal clothes and say I didn't feel like participating. This takes some of the wind out of the sails of the full-tilt insane women on the committee, but it doesn't stop them, just slows them down.

Shawnna, dumb as a bag of rocks, also makes various suggestions throughout the meeting, but they're so embarrassing that I've already willfully forgotten them.


Do you work with mainly females, or does it just so happen that the chicks in your office are the ones who get on your nerves.

What do I do to my links to make them open on a separate window? I want to do that, but don't know how.

By Blogger Kyle, at 11:47 AM, June 24, 2005  

I work mainly with females. And it's not "chicks" that get on my nerves (although that term gets on theirs), it's stupid people.

When you're creating the post, after you've highlighted your chosen word/sentence and created the link, you have to manipulate the code. The website you're linking to should be in quote marks; immediately after that, insert this:


By Blogger Dan Carlson, at 12:08 PM, June 24, 2005  

Thanks for the html tutorial. I wasn't insenuating that you were sexist. I was just curious if you worked with a lot of chicks, or if, out of all the people in your office, it just so happens to be the chicks.

What chick is bothered by the word "chicks" anymore?

Chicky-chicky-doo! Chicky-chicky dee! Chicky-chicky.

To the left, chicky-chicky.....
To the right, chicky-chicky....
And down....okay. Wow, I'm tired.

By Blogger Kyle, at 1:26 AM, June 25, 2005  


By Blogger Kyle, at 1:26 AM, June 25, 2005  

You can refer to females in general as chicks but, personally, I wouldn't respond the the term.

By Blogger Sarah, at 11:34 AM, June 25, 2005  

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