Sunday, January 08, 2006

This morning, on the 101, I rear-ended a driver and caused a minor accident. We each exited our cars and began screaming at each other, trading racial slurs and stock obscenities as we struggled to come to terms with our humanity.

Just then, a city bus drove by. Ludacris was sitting in the back, staring out the window and looking contemplative, as if he was also internally debating the very same human condition in which I now found myself immersed.

What a psychologically deep and in no way cliche, derivative, or hackneyed turn of events. Someone should make an overhyped movie about it. That'd be awesome.


Later that day did you fall down some stairs and lay there helpless for a few hours until your maid arrived, and then when she helped you, did you confess that she is your only friend in the whole wide world, no one is more surprised than you*?

That'd be uncanny!

*The subtext being, "How is that possible?--you're Mexican?"

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:19 PM, January 08, 2006  

Haha, you're one of the only people I've known to criticize this movie. For some reason, everyone at school told me: "Oh my God, you have to see this, it's amazing." Hmmm...whom to believe?

By Blogger Sarah, at 3:22 PM, January 08, 2006  

diseuse: That actually happened to my old roommate a while back. He also shot a kid for no reason and then burned the car. He was weird.

sarah: Well, on one hand, you've got two people who seem to see the movie for the overpraised mess that it is; on the other hand, you've got classmates telling you it's great, but let's not forget, you go to a school were The Notebook and Remember the Titans are considered to be quality exercises in cinema. So, with that in mind, I think you should plug your ears, close your eyes, and wait for graduation.

By Blogger Dan Carlson, at 3:30 PM, January 08, 2006  

This post was funny. Truly funny.

By Blogger matty, at 4:34 PM, January 16, 2006  

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